Sunday, December 21, 2008

We're Von Trapped!

Sorry for the lack of recent updates, to the hordes of you who read my blog (I would like a less dorky word for "blog," but that doesn't exist. At least I don't do a "vlog"). I've been waiting to update when something exciting happened, namely moving into my apartment. However, because of this freakin' snow storm, I still haven't made the full move. The major furniture and some little things are there, unused, but my clothes and like... shampoo are still here. I'm going to wait for the apartment update until I'm 100% living there so I can give some interesting stories (hopefully). So I guess you have that to look forward to.

I am writing this for two reasons. One, to recommend a song, and two, to recommend a movie. I guess there is a third reason, which is that I have nothing else to do since I am trapped in my house. You have nothing else to do either, so I suggest you comply. At least for the song rec, otherwise you can wait until the snow is gone to go see the movie.

Song: Life is a Masquerade- Ben Folds and Josh Groban. UM HI. Here's the youtube link for a video. It has an idiot slideshow of Josh Groban, but I just minimize the window because I do not care to watch it. Epic song! (Pun was intended. Ben is on Epic Records, you guys!) Sorry that I am so ridic... :(

Movie: Slumdog Millionaire
I learned three things from this movie.
1. Indian children are probably the cutest of all children.
2. Destiny. (I feel so lame putting this... it's true!)
3. This is probably one of my favorite movies of all time- statement not to be taken lightly.
This movie made me laugh, cry, gasp, pretend to cover my eyes at scary things, sit on the edge of my seat, and loudly shush the middle-aged chatty ladies down the aisle from me (I do not usually shush strangers). Could be my top favorite movie of all time... I'm not ready to make that commitment yet, but it's possible. I just left the movie with THE best feeling, ever. I didn't want Sydney to play music in the car. I told her I wanted to keep the feeling that the movie gave me (she told me to shut up, RUDE). I just changed my top picture to one from this. I'm really sorry but I probably will never shut up about trying to get people to see this.

That's all. Apartment update and pictures to come as soon as I can- probably not until after New Years, but we'll see.


Sydney said...

you always lie about what i do/say in this.
i did not tell you to shut up, ya dweeb.

Lindsay said...

you AS WELL AS told me to shut up, though! not approving of your sudden addition of the word "dweeb" to your vocabulary

Abby said...

Good just not telling everyone that I'm the one who found that "idiot slideshow". Don't go hatin' and judgin' on Josh Groban cuz ya don't undastand.

Lisa Marie Basile said...

hey -- yeah, that movie was incredible. cool blog! and sorry i haven't updated mine. been super lazy!

Ally said...

still need to see slumdog. hasn't happened for me yet. will it? i'll never know.