Monday, November 10, 2008

I am non-homeless!

Well, not yet. Actually, none of this is true. It's not like I'm livin' in some raggedy box like a litter of really cute Samoyed puppies which was in an episode of Ugly Betty and made me cry my eyes out. No, you all know that I am living at home but now my apartment search is over! It's not official and it's not completely decided which apartment I am getting, but if all goes well and as planned then I will be a resident of 530 1/2 NW 23rd. YAY! Oh. Yes. It is 530 1/2... SO ridiculous but I am just going to be like "oh, you don't understand. 23rd is too trendy for understanding." And I feel trendier with this half an address so I will take it.

The building has these cool stairs that go up to it, and half of it is above the Ram's Head. Too bad I'm not 21 'cause I'm not takin' advantage of that place. But it shares the block with Noah's, too (BAGELS EVERY SINGLE DAY) and Moonstruck (great). AND it is kiddie/kitty corner to Starbucks. Hiiiii. I am so excited.

The apartment I will probably get is a studio on the 4th floor that's in the back of the building, so it has a cool view of downtown. The lady said that you can see the 4th of July fireworks from the window! Woo! 4th of July party at my place, you guys! Woo woo! But there is another apartment that's going to be empty, too. It's on the 3rd floor and it's in the front of the building so it overlooks 23rd. It has a bay window and it's on the corner so it's a little bigger and has a corner...y... layout. So that one's my first choice, BUT there's another girl who's in line for that one before me. She'll probably get it but in the off chance that her plans fall through I am next in line! If her plans DON'T fall through, then I am guaranteed the 4th floor apartment. Which I would still be completely fine with.

But anyway, I will keep you all updated on which one I end up getting. YAY, I am so excited. I won't be able to move in until the beginning of December, so I won't have it over Thanksgiving, but I expect you all to come and visit me there over Winter Break. You do not have a choice.

Umm... pictures? Do you want to see? They're not very good... I'll just show the front.
Yay! Hi, buddy 'partment! Okay, seriously though. Can anyone tell me how to put a picture in here better? Every time I do it, it like, posts it on the top and I have to drag it all the way down my post. So annoying.

Oh, what the heeeeck, I forgot I was doing this. This is now about 4 hours later. But! I will end my post with this week's (?) recommendations from Lindsay! You all never listen to me, but it hasn't stopped me before, so here they are.

Movie: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I wasn't going to do this one, but my dad just got it on his Netflix and we watched it and I was like "Oh, yeah. Hi, Robert Downey Jr.! Remember how I love you?" And then I laughed because the movie is hilarious.

TV Show: Wonderfalls

Same creator as Pushing Daisies! I don't think I need to say more. In fact I can't because I can't put it into words. Another great show that was cancelled by FOX (IDIOTS). This time it only aired 4 episodes before being cut, but they filmed 13(?) episodes and released them with the DVDs slash you can find 'em online. Which you probably should.

Music: Pelle Carlberg- Everything, Now!

Pelle! You are such a little Swedish buddy. I recommend Everything, Now! as 
opposed to In a Nutshell because in the latter a few of the songs kind of sound like Belle and Sebastian. Not that I don't like them (because I do, and I also like In an Nutshell) but it's not like ya need another CD of it, and Sydney got mad at me when I made her listen to it.

And those are my recommendations which will go completely ignored! But hopefully not... Tell me if you listened and I'll love you more than I ever have. Seriously, I probably will.


Lynn R said...

Yay apartment. I want an apartment. I will visit you in the summer hopefully!

Ally said...

good movie recommendation you idiot because i think i was the one that told YOU TO WATCH! =0

love you sistar. can't wait to visit you in your super trendy awesome and hopefully delightfully awk apartmento during winter break! NOAH'S!!