Thursday, October 16, 2008


I decided that I'm going to change around the top picture of my blogspot every once in a while. It's fun for all of us! Look at us, having fun.

Today's top picture is a screen cap from The Fall, the last movie I received from Netflix. Okaaay, the reason I got it was because of Lee Pace, and now you all know how much I love him. But! It ended up actually being probably the coolest looking movie I've ever seen. What incredible cinematography and art direction. Really, really gorgeous. The story was amazing, too. I loved it so much. I know that I recommend movies all the time, but this time I really really mean it. Right after I finish typing this I'm going to go check IMDB for this director's other movies.

So! Enjoy the new "theme" as Dayna likes to call it, and think about seeing the movie. Really.

P.S. realistically I know that zero of you will listen to me.

P.P.S. for reasons unknown to some of you, I am posting this really cute picture of Cooper in retaliation for some angry, ungrounded remarks about him. 


Ally said...

who made angry remarks about my love??

Lindsay said...

sean o'halloren. that's RIGHT sean i'm tellin' the world

Spo8 said...

I did not attack YOUR dog.

I made remarks about poodles in general.

Lindsay said...

he's a poodle too, sean.
he has feelings too, and i guess them