Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gimme a big emotional Heimlich, please

If you haven't been watching Pushing Daisies there's something wrong with you. Because there are about a hundred thousand reasons to watch this show. And I watch it for all of them, but not equally. If you ever needed me to persuade you, here are three of my favorite reasons:

 I just wanna give him a big hug. He's so cute and slouchy and such a little buddy. Hiiii, buddy! I can't find a picture of this one part where he was SO slouchy and I was like "hug?" but you will all just have to trust me that it was really cupie. Love ya, Ned.

Anyway... I am listening to the new Keane album right now for the first time (it's not released yet, oops)! I am not even a huge Keane fan but I do like them a lot. I'm not sure if this album is as good as their last but I'm not all the way through it yet. But I do like it! Very good, Keane. Clap clap! I could probably be more interesting about this but I can't stop thinking about how cute Ned is cause I can still see the picture where he's wrapped in the curtain. Hey, buddy! Make me a pie! Apple, please.

On a more personal noooote... I went to look at an apartment this last week! It's on NW 25th and Pettygrove, so it's two blocks from 23rd and a little further down than all the action (I think the hospital is on Lovejoy, so... it's 4 blocks down from the hospital?). It's sort of in a residential area, but it's a really pretty area. And still really close to 23rd and all the shopping and stuff! And the apartment itself was really cute! I really liked it. I just have to decide if I want to fill out an application for it. I still have other places I could 
maybe look at, though, and I probably have to decide about this one pretty quick so it's stressfulllll. Oh, maybe I can get some pictures from the craigslist post! I'm not sure how long these pictures will show up because the posting might get taken down sometime but for now...

Okay I couldn't get the other pictures on here because apparently I'm an idiot but there's the outside! Cute?

School wise, I might have changed my major again. I think I can hear you all gasping. So surprising, amiriiiight? No. New major maybe = Arts and Letters. You take classes from these departments: applied linguistics, architecture, art, black studies, conflict resolution, english, foreign Languages and literatures, music, philosophy, communication, theater arts/film, humanities, and arts and letters. You pick two of those as concentrations. And then out of those two concentrations I would probably turn them into two minors because why would you not? Should I do that? I don't know. I don't make my own decisions for anything. God makes my decisions. Thank you, God (thank god!). 
I'm like, not funny...


Spo8 said...

I died when the story broke that Pushing Daisies had been cancelled.

I was reborn when it was brought back.

Sydney said...

lovin' the pie maker.

just like olive : (

wait, what, sean o'hollaren?
is that really true?
thank goodness someone figured something out... whyyy would it be cancelled!

Ally said...

you are so weird.

and DUH fill out the freakin apartment application because that is an awesome location in portland. lovejoy IS the hospital street and i could come see you when i have to go to either of my main doc's! DUH! and the building is cute so the inside is probs cupie too. get a move on GIRL get out of our parent's home already! you know you wanna.

Spo8 said...

I was legitimately sad for olive last episode when she said she had finally realized that she could never have Ned.

Poor girl.