Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thanks for the dream come true, you guys!

One of the books I am halfway through reading is A Long Way Down, by Nick Hornby. It is my first Nick Hornby book, and I already am telling people "I love Nick Hornby books." I know it is far too early to call myself a fan (does seeing the movie of High Fidelity count?), but I still do. Sorry if there are any real Nick Hornby fans out there (somehow reading this? Get out of here, Lindsay). 

So anyway, I do love Nick Hornby, so when I heard this news I was very, very happy:

With a new album and a long-awaited reunion you'd think Ben Folds would consider taking a much-deserved breather. Instead, the piano man is already plotting his next project -- a musical collaboration with High Fidelity author Nick Hornby.

"Nick Hornby and I are talking about doing a record where he writes the lyrics and I write the music," Folds told "His lyrics are great. These are really good words." The duo plan to hit the studio this December in Ireland, a move that was inspired by Folds recording a 'fake' version (which leaked to the web) of his forthcoming solo album, Way To Normal, in the country this past summer. "[We will] write and record it in about three days, just like we did in Dublin with the fake record," Folds explained. "It's fun -- I'm excited about it."
Excited? ME TOO, Ben Folds! I shall eagerly await this stroke of genius. Meanwhile I will listen to Bitch Went Nuts off your new album, because it is currently my fave.


Lynn R said...

Oh my gosh, keep reading Nick Hornby. He's amazing. I love him. Except for Fever Pitch — that was boring. But High Fidelity, About a Boy, A Long Way Down... Amazing! How to be Good is okay & Housekeeping vs. the Dirt is pretty good, but the others are my top three. He also has a new one out that I haven't read, but my dad thought it was kind of lame. He loves Nick Hornby too.

Lindsay said...

the new one, is it called Slam? about like a skateboarding kid? uhhh did i make that up...

Lynn R said...

And no that's not made up that's real.

Ally said...

you already wrote about this doooooof!!!

Lindsay said...

no no no! that was on my tumblr. i have abandoned my tumblr blogs and as i SAID may be transferring posts over to here. this is probably the only one though, ya dooooof!!!

Ally said...

didn't you know of my weird obsession with knowing things about and reading about and owning pictures of john lennon? i have a huge poster like duh. and i don't know why i didn't write sistars because that is obviously what you are.

i'm responding to your comment by commenting on your's because i will not comment on my own.

Lisa Marie Basile said...

Hey there,
Nice blog. Thanks for reading mine -- I'm Wide Awake, It's Music. PS: Robert Downey -- hot.
