Monday, January 12, 2009

Golden Lindsays

I just watched the Golden Globes, and while I am extremely pleased, I thought it would be fun to do my own version of them. Show who I would have nominated and picked to win for the same categories! This is probably also pretty limited since I obviously have not seen/watched everything, so I will probs have like no nominees.  And even still it is based on my personal tastes, of course which don't really mean too much... But anyway. Here you have it: The 2009 edition of The Golden Lindsays. Winners get a trophy of me doing this pose:

Best Motion Picture- Drama
Slumdog Millionaire
The Dark Knight
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?
Winner: Slumdog Millionaire

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture- Drama
Cate Blanchett- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 
I seriously don't know what else, bye.
Winner: Cate Blanchett...

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture- Drama
Brad Pitt- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Sean Penn- Milk
Lee Pace- The Fall
Winner: Sean Penn 

Best Motion Picture- Musical or Comedy
In Bruges
In Search of a Midnight Kiss
Be Kind Rewind
Tropic Thunder
Winner: Tropic Thunder

Best Performance by an Actress in a Musical or Comedy
Rebecca Hall- Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Sara Simmonds- In Search of a Midnight Kiss
Amy Adams- Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day
Winner: Rebecca Hall

Best Performance by an Actor in a Musical or Comedy
Colin Farrell- In Bruges
James Franco- Pineapple Express
Scoot McNairy- In Search of a Midnight Kiss
Javier Bardem- Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Winner: Colin Farrell... sorry James! :(

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Penelope Cruz- Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Catinca Untaru- The Fall
Taraji Henson- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Winner: Penelope Cruz

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight
Robert Downey Jr.- Tropic Thunder
Robert Downey Jr.- Charlie Bartlett
Tom Cruise- Tropic Thunder
Winner: Heath Ledger (obviously, but I gave RDJ 2 nominations since he could not win)

Best Animated Feature Film
I think I only saw one... which is Kung Fu Panda. 

Best Foreign Language Film
Have not seen any 2008 foreign films! Bad, bad, bad.

Best Director- Motion Picture
Danny Boyle- Slumdog Millionaire
David Fincher- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Tarsem Singh- The Fall
Christopher Nolan- The Dark Knight
Winner: Danny Boyle

Best Screenplay- Motion Picture
Don't know anything about screenplays, but I will trust the Hollywood Foreign Press with their decision and pick Simon Beaufoy for Slumdog Millionaire! 

Best Original Score- Motion Picture
Again, do not know anything about the other films' scores, but I do know that I have been listening to the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack for days. The Golden Lindsay goes to A. R. Rahman!

Best Original Song- Motion Picture
Was super upset that Jai Ho was not even nominated. Another Lindsay for A. R. Rahman!

Best Television Series- Drama
True Blood
oops, I don't watch TV dramas...
Winner: True Blood

Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series- Drama
Anna Paquin- True Blood
Winner: Anna Paquin

Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series- Drama

Best Television Series- Musical or Comedy
The Office
30 Rock
Pushing Daisies
Summer Heights High
Winner: Pushing Daisies. Good GOD, I am so sad about this show being cancelled.

Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series- Musical or Comedy
Kristin Chenoweth- Pushing Daisies
America Ferrera- Ugly Betty
Mary-Louise Parker- Weeds
Tiny Fey- 30 Rock
Winner: Tina Fey

Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series- Musical or Comedy
Alec Baldwin- 30 Rock
Lee Pace- Pushing Daisies
Justin Kirk- Weeds
Chris Lilley- Summer Heights High
Winner: Chris Lilley

And there are 5 more categories but they are all mini-series or TV movie, and I have seen none of those.

What do you all think of the results of the Golden Lindsays?
This is sooo super lame.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

We're Von Trapped!

Sorry for the lack of recent updates, to the hordes of you who read my blog (I would like a less dorky word for "blog," but that doesn't exist. At least I don't do a "vlog"). I've been waiting to update when something exciting happened, namely moving into my apartment. However, because of this freakin' snow storm, I still haven't made the full move. The major furniture and some little things are there, unused, but my clothes and like... shampoo are still here. I'm going to wait for the apartment update until I'm 100% living there so I can give some interesting stories (hopefully). So I guess you have that to look forward to.

I am writing this for two reasons. One, to recommend a song, and two, to recommend a movie. I guess there is a third reason, which is that I have nothing else to do since I am trapped in my house. You have nothing else to do either, so I suggest you comply. At least for the song rec, otherwise you can wait until the snow is gone to go see the movie.

Song: Life is a Masquerade- Ben Folds and Josh Groban. UM HI. Here's the youtube link for a video. It has an idiot slideshow of Josh Groban, but I just minimize the window because I do not care to watch it. Epic song! (Pun was intended. Ben is on Epic Records, you guys!) Sorry that I am so ridic... :(

Movie: Slumdog Millionaire
I learned three things from this movie.
1. Indian children are probably the cutest of all children.
2. Destiny. (I feel so lame putting this... it's true!)
3. This is probably one of my favorite movies of all time- statement not to be taken lightly.
This movie made me laugh, cry, gasp, pretend to cover my eyes at scary things, sit on the edge of my seat, and loudly shush the middle-aged chatty ladies down the aisle from me (I do not usually shush strangers). Could be my top favorite movie of all time... I'm not ready to make that commitment yet, but it's possible. I just left the movie with THE best feeling, ever. I didn't want Sydney to play music in the car. I told her I wanted to keep the feeling that the movie gave me (she told me to shut up, RUDE). I just changed my top picture to one from this. I'm really sorry but I probably will never shut up about trying to get people to see this.

That's all. Apartment update and pictures to come as soon as I can- probably not until after New Years, but we'll see.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I am non-homeless!

Well, not yet. Actually, none of this is true. It's not like I'm livin' in some raggedy box like a litter of really cute Samoyed puppies which was in an episode of Ugly Betty and made me cry my eyes out. No, you all know that I am living at home but now my apartment search is over! It's not official and it's not completely decided which apartment I am getting, but if all goes well and as planned then I will be a resident of 530 1/2 NW 23rd. YAY! Oh. Yes. It is 530 1/2... SO ridiculous but I am just going to be like "oh, you don't understand. 23rd is too trendy for understanding." And I feel trendier with this half an address so I will take it.

The building has these cool stairs that go up to it, and half of it is above the Ram's Head. Too bad I'm not 21 'cause I'm not takin' advantage of that place. But it shares the block with Noah's, too (BAGELS EVERY SINGLE DAY) and Moonstruck (great). AND it is kiddie/kitty corner to Starbucks. Hiiiii. I am so excited.

The apartment I will probably get is a studio on the 4th floor that's in the back of the building, so it has a cool view of downtown. The lady said that you can see the 4th of July fireworks from the window! Woo! 4th of July party at my place, you guys! Woo woo! But there is another apartment that's going to be empty, too. It's on the 3rd floor and it's in the front of the building so it overlooks 23rd. It has a bay window and it's on the corner so it's a little bigger and has a corner...y... layout. So that one's my first choice, BUT there's another girl who's in line for that one before me. She'll probably get it but in the off chance that her plans fall through I am next in line! If her plans DON'T fall through, then I am guaranteed the 4th floor apartment. Which I would still be completely fine with.

But anyway, I will keep you all updated on which one I end up getting. YAY, I am so excited. I won't be able to move in until the beginning of December, so I won't have it over Thanksgiving, but I expect you all to come and visit me there over Winter Break. You do not have a choice.

Umm... pictures? Do you want to see? They're not very good... I'll just show the front.
Yay! Hi, buddy 'partment! Okay, seriously though. Can anyone tell me how to put a picture in here better? Every time I do it, it like, posts it on the top and I have to drag it all the way down my post. So annoying.

Oh, what the heeeeck, I forgot I was doing this. This is now about 4 hours later. But! I will end my post with this week's (?) recommendations from Lindsay! You all never listen to me, but it hasn't stopped me before, so here they are.

Movie: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I wasn't going to do this one, but my dad just got it on his Netflix and we watched it and I was like "Oh, yeah. Hi, Robert Downey Jr.! Remember how I love you?" And then I laughed because the movie is hilarious.

TV Show: Wonderfalls

Same creator as Pushing Daisies! I don't think I need to say more. In fact I can't because I can't put it into words. Another great show that was cancelled by FOX (IDIOTS). This time it only aired 4 episodes before being cut, but they filmed 13(?) episodes and released them with the DVDs slash you can find 'em online. Which you probably should.

Music: Pelle Carlberg- Everything, Now!

Pelle! You are such a little Swedish buddy. I recommend Everything, Now! as 
opposed to In a Nutshell because in the latter a few of the songs kind of sound like Belle and Sebastian. Not that I don't like them (because I do, and I also like In an Nutshell) but it's not like ya need another CD of it, and Sydney got mad at me when I made her listen to it.

And those are my recommendations which will go completely ignored! But hopefully not... Tell me if you listened and I'll love you more than I ever have. Seriously, I probably will.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I decided that I'm going to change around the top picture of my blogspot every once in a while. It's fun for all of us! Look at us, having fun.

Today's top picture is a screen cap from The Fall, the last movie I received from Netflix. Okaaay, the reason I got it was because of Lee Pace, and now you all know how much I love him. But! It ended up actually being probably the coolest looking movie I've ever seen. What incredible cinematography and art direction. Really, really gorgeous. The story was amazing, too. I loved it so much. I know that I recommend movies all the time, but this time I really really mean it. Right after I finish typing this I'm going to go check IMDB for this director's other movies.

So! Enjoy the new "theme" as Dayna likes to call it, and think about seeing the movie. Really.

P.S. realistically I know that zero of you will listen to me.

P.P.S. for reasons unknown to some of you, I am posting this really cute picture of Cooper in retaliation for some angry, ungrounded remarks about him. 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gimme a big emotional Heimlich, please

If you haven't been watching Pushing Daisies there's something wrong with you. Because there are about a hundred thousand reasons to watch this show. And I watch it for all of them, but not equally. If you ever needed me to persuade you, here are three of my favorite reasons:

 I just wanna give him a big hug. He's so cute and slouchy and such a little buddy. Hiiii, buddy! I can't find a picture of this one part where he was SO slouchy and I was like "hug?" but you will all just have to trust me that it was really cupie. Love ya, Ned.

Anyway... I am listening to the new Keane album right now for the first time (it's not released yet, oops)! I am not even a huge Keane fan but I do like them a lot. I'm not sure if this album is as good as their last but I'm not all the way through it yet. But I do like it! Very good, Keane. Clap clap! I could probably be more interesting about this but I can't stop thinking about how cute Ned is cause I can still see the picture where he's wrapped in the curtain. Hey, buddy! Make me a pie! Apple, please.

On a more personal noooote... I went to look at an apartment this last week! It's on NW 25th and Pettygrove, so it's two blocks from 23rd and a little further down than all the action (I think the hospital is on Lovejoy, so... it's 4 blocks down from the hospital?). It's sort of in a residential area, but it's a really pretty area. And still really close to 23rd and all the shopping and stuff! And the apartment itself was really cute! I really liked it. I just have to decide if I want to fill out an application for it. I still have other places I could 
maybe look at, though, and I probably have to decide about this one pretty quick so it's stressfulllll. Oh, maybe I can get some pictures from the craigslist post! I'm not sure how long these pictures will show up because the posting might get taken down sometime but for now...

Okay I couldn't get the other pictures on here because apparently I'm an idiot but there's the outside! Cute?

School wise, I might have changed my major again. I think I can hear you all gasping. So surprising, amiriiiight? No. New major maybe = Arts and Letters. You take classes from these departments: applied linguistics, architecture, art, black studies, conflict resolution, english, foreign Languages and literatures, music, philosophy, communication, theater arts/film, humanities, and arts and letters. You pick two of those as concentrations. And then out of those two concentrations I would probably turn them into two minors because why would you not? Should I do that? I don't know. I don't make my own decisions for anything. God makes my decisions. Thank you, God (thank god!). 
I'm like, not funny...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Love this*

I very rarely like commercials but I really liked this one. I think it's because most moms would throw that hat away, but she doesn't! She washes it! Aww. And then the end with the girl. AWW. 

What the heck? Sorry ta waste yer time since this is super lame but I LOVE IT. Go away!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thanks for the dream come true, you guys!

One of the books I am halfway through reading is A Long Way Down, by Nick Hornby. It is my first Nick Hornby book, and I already am telling people "I love Nick Hornby books." I know it is far too early to call myself a fan (does seeing the movie of High Fidelity count?), but I still do. Sorry if there are any real Nick Hornby fans out there (somehow reading this? Get out of here, Lindsay). 

So anyway, I do love Nick Hornby, so when I heard this news I was very, very happy:

With a new album and a long-awaited reunion you'd think Ben Folds would consider taking a much-deserved breather. Instead, the piano man is already plotting his next project -- a musical collaboration with High Fidelity author Nick Hornby.

"Nick Hornby and I are talking about doing a record where he writes the lyrics and I write the music," Folds told "His lyrics are great. These are really good words." The duo plan to hit the studio this December in Ireland, a move that was inspired by Folds recording a 'fake' version (which leaked to the web) of his forthcoming solo album, Way To Normal, in the country this past summer. "[We will] write and record it in about three days, just like we did in Dublin with the fake record," Folds explained. "It's fun -- I'm excited about it."
Excited? ME TOO, Ben Folds! I shall eagerly await this stroke of genius. Meanwhile I will listen to Bitch Went Nuts off your new album, because it is currently my fave.