Saturday, October 4, 2008

I'll bet The Rock's friends say that to him. You know, just saying hey.

Well the tumblr thing ended up being a bust. I bet it would be really cool if I had a whole bunch of friends who also did it, because that's what it's kind of all about, but since I literally knew one (1) person on there, it was pretty lame. And since I know TWO people who post on blogger, this is clearly the less lonely of the two choices. 
Anyway, I'll probably be adding some of my random postings from my tumblr over to here sometime, and then we shall see if I end up having anything interesting to say.

Well, I started school this past week, and it was super stressful. I had to drop a class after the first day (please list the prerequisites so I don't have to waste time finding a new class, physics department...), and my film class ("Understanding Movies," could you make me sound smarter when I tell people what classes I'm taking, please?) is three and a half hours long, at 6:00, and in a movie theater that by the end of the day is about 1200 degrees. I am not even exaggerating: I felt like I was in a sauna. But hopefully it's an interesting class. I want to like it because I want film to be my major. It would sort of suck if I didn't like it. I don't want to have to think up a new major at all. 
I think I'm really going to like my theater class (also called "Understanding Theater." What are you, Portland State?). There's no acting in it, thank god. I didn't think there was going to be, but there could have been a small chance of it, it wouldn't have been that far off. But anyway, I really like the professor, and not only does it seem like she will make it super interesting, but she doesn't really do real grades. It's based on your willingness to learn and attitude in class and stuff. Seriously. Only bad thing is that there is a ton of reading that is literally going to take me like six hours each time I sit down to do it because I read as slow as a second grader, but hopefully skimming will get me by.
I'm also taking two other classes but I don't have anything interesting to say about them so byeeee about classes.

I'm still looking for an apartment, but I don't really know how to do it all so it's kind of ridiculous. My mom is helping me do it, so that's good, but she's also expecting me to do a lot of the work, so that is not. She finally decided that I'd be able to get one in Northwest (like 23rd area, sorta), which is what I wanted in the first place (but for some reason she said no about it up until now). So now I am happily looking at the cuter apartments in that area as opposed to the not-so-cute ones that are in downtown. So I am excited about this.

Cooper came and slept with me on the bed last night. I am the first one! Oh, Cooper. How did you get up on this bed that is like 12 feet in the air? I don't know how you did it, but I don't care because you are the cutest of the cuties, ya little poodle idiot guy. I know you love me.
You know you love me. XOXO, Gossip Girl.


doctawho42 said...

If The Rock has any friends. Which I doubt....aww, I don't mean that. Yep, nice blog, like it lots and you seem to have awesome foursome intrests. Sooo, hello! *waves*

Alyssa said...

"ya little poodle idiot guy"

i have been laughing at that for at least 20 minutes.

Lynn R said...

Oh poodles.

Ally said...

cooper has slept with me before ya idiot! not the first one.